Our first topic in Autumn 1 was Owl Babies. The children loved reading this story so much that they are able to retell the entire story in their own words!
The children were also able to talk about their own experiences of how they felt when their mummy or daddy leaves them. The story has helped children understand and learn that no matter if their parents leave them to come to school, they will always come back for them at home time. The children took part in many activities linked to the story

The children learnt about the Lifecyle of Owls.

The children acted out the story in small groups.

We explored other different animals that were nocturnal animals just like owls!

We had lots of different sized Owls of different textures and made out of different materials in our classroom to play with. We put them in order of size and weight and spoke about the different textures of the Owls.

We matched shapes to the correct Owls.

And put our writing skills into action and practised forming our letters correctly by writing words from the Story.