This week in Maths Week, the children in Early Years took part in many maths activities and had opportunity to learn and explore the concept of Maths in different ways.

The children in reception made a tally on how many bugs of each they can see on our carpet

The children used numicons to work out some addition problems.

We had a jar full of teddy bears and the children had to estimate how many teddies bears they thought was in the jar.
Children practised making numbers using the playdough.

We ordered objects according to their sizes.

The children drew pictures of where they might see shapes and numbers in the environment.
The children enjoyed making their very own Shape Monsters using different 2D shape cut outs.

The children put their threading skills to practice by threading in and out of the holes.
We used cubes to create repeating patterns and then designed our own repeating patterns using colours!
As a class we agreed to make yummy sandwiches to sell at our sale. Firstly, we wrote out our shopping lists.
After that we set off to the supermarket to grab our ingredients.
We all enjoyed making yummy scrumptious sandwiches to sell. We decided as a class to sell our sandwiches for 20p each.
Nursery children made jam sandwiches and reception made cheese and cucumber sandwiches.